Made entirely of recycled material, music and user generated stories, this film is a ‘love letter to the sea’ for Surfers Against Sewage. Low carbon high impact filmmaking. Winner of the 2022 Charity Film Awards.
Made entirely of recycled material, music and user generated stories, this film is a ‘love letter to the sea’ for Surfers Against Sewage. Low carbon high impact filmmaking. Winner of the 2022 Charity Film Awards.
This three part drama highlights the great threat modern gambling poses to young people. Gambling With Lives went on to launch a large campaign to further restrict gambling advertising and investigate gambling related deaths.
A ‘Masterclass’ style course, Keystone Inspires wanted a film that had the same energy and excitement that Marco Liviero brings when teaching Shakespeare…
Halfway through writing this Remote Working comedy, Covid hit. All scripts had to be rewritten to reflect the new normal and to minimise people on set. As people often say, ‘writing is rewriting’.